Entry Guidelines

Please read these instructions carefully.

Entries should clearly yet creatively fulfil the purpose of the competition.

Stories entered into this competition must be true. They may be autobiographical or biographical. If they are biographical, you must gain permission from the person you are writing about. You may find this Biography Consent Form useful.

All writing must be the original work of entrants, and must not have been published or have won a prize in any literary competition, prior to the closing date, 31 July 2024.

Proin in eros eros. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent efficitur mi in purus rhoncus, ornare molestie elit sagittis. Ut bibendum bibendum tincidunt. Mauris sed euismod augue, semper vulputate eros. Donec laoreet leo turpis, id finibus lectus aliquet quis. Proin quis pharetra justo. Ut et malesuada eros. Etiam at blandit nibh. Fusce nisl sem, fringilla non auctor a, mollis vel ex. Vestibulum varius neque lacinia, accumsan tortor eu, ornare leo. Sed et varius sem. Nullam at enim et libero pulvinar cursus.

The word range for each category must be strictly adhered to.

Limit of one entry per person in each category. People may enter a story into multiple categories, provided their entries meets the requirements of each category and do not violate any of the other Entry Guidelines.

For an entry to be counted as valid, all relevant entry fees must be paid in full.

All entries MUST be uploaded as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx) via the online submission form.

The text of your entry should be clearly legible and should not include illustrations. We suggest a plain, size 12 font (e.g. Times New Roman or Arial), 1.5 to double line spacing, and generous 3-4cm margins, left and right.

Please ensure each page is numbered and bears the TITLE ONLY of your story in the header or footer. Please do not include your name anywhere on your story. Personal details should only be supplied via the online submission form.

Please ensure that you attach your entry as a Microsoft Word document. Entries must be submitted before midnight of the closing date, 31 July 2024.

Shortlisted entries will be announced online (on the Competition website and via Facebook) prior to final judging. All winning and shortlisted entries will be included in our 2024 Stories of Life anthology.

Entry confers publication right to the stories of life publications and audio presentations. Copyright will remain with the individual author. However, Stories of Life reserves the right to reprint shortlisted and winning entries in future promotional publications with due acknowledgement of the original author.

Winners will be announced at the official launch of the Stories of Life anthology in November. All prize money will be paid by personal cheque or electronic funds transfer to the recipient’s nominated bank account.

Judges’ decisions are final and dispute thereof will not be entered into except in the case of a clear breach of the Entry Conditions.


Is your story ready? Here's what to do next.

To submit your entry:

Complete the online submission form relevant to the selected category. The online entry submission form will be available from 1 April 2024 to 31 July 2024.

What to do

  1. Read the Entry Conditions.
  2. Select your category below.
  3. If you are writing a biographical story, make sure you get consent from the subject of the story. However, you will not be required to submit this consent form at this stage.
  4. Complete the entry form with your details.
  5. Upload your story of faith.
  6. Click 'Submit Entry Form'.
  7. Proceed to pay the AUD10 entry fee if you are aged 18 and over. You can do this via Stripe, or, if you are in Australia, via Direct Debit transfer.
  8. You will receive an email confirming that we have received your story. An announcement will be made on this website in October regarding which stories have been selected for publication in the 2024 Stories of Life anthology. At the book launch in November, prize winners will be announced.

We accept submissions from 1 April 2024 to 31 July 2024. 

Proin in eros eros. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent efficitur mi in purus rhoncus, ornare molestie elit sagittis. Ut bibendum bibendum tincidunt. Mauris sed euismod augue, semper vulputate eros. Donec laoreet leo turpis, id finibus lectus aliquet quis. Proin quis pharetra justo. Ut et malesuada eros. Etiam at blandit nibh. Fusce nisl sem, fringilla non auctor a, mollis vel ex. Vestibulum varius neque lacinia, accumsan tortor eu, ornare leo. Sed et varius sem. Nullam at enim et libero pulvinar cursus.